6 Tips to Encourage More Customers to Enquire on Your Website

You’ve put a lot of time and effort into driving traffic to your website—but what good is all that traffic if it doesn’t convert into leads? If you’re finding that customers are coming to your site but not taking the next step and enquiring, don’t despair. There are a few simple changes you can make to encourage more website visitors to take the plunge. By creating high-converting landing pages and making your website more tempting for customers to enquire, you can start generating more leads in no time.

1. Use persuasive copy. 

The words you use on your website can make a big difference in whether or not customers take the next step and enquire. When writing your website copy, keep the following in mind: 

  • Use first person pronouns (I/we) to make your company seem more relatable and approachable.
  • Use strong verbs to convey confidence (e.g., “achieve,” “boost,” “double”)
  • Use benefit-driven language to focus on what’s in it for the customer (e.g., “you’ll save time and money with our service”)
  • Review what your competitors are saying. If you’re making the same points, how do I know why I should use you and not them?
  • Keep your points short and clear like your reports. Don’t try to cram too much information onto the page. Break your page up nicely to make it compelling to view.

2. Use high-quality images. 

In addition to well-written text, the visuals on your website play a big role in conversion rates. Be sure to use professional, high-resolution images that accurately represent your brand and services. Avoid using stock photos; instead, use photos of your team in action or before-and-after shots of surveys or projects you’ve completed. However, make sure the file size is optimised… huge files can cause poor loading times so using a high-quality image with a low image size is important to remember!

3. Add testimonials and reviews. 

If you’re looking for a surefire way to increase conversion rates, look no further than customer testimonials and reviews. These social proof elements show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your company—which makes them more likely to do business with you as well. Include testimonials on your website and actively collect reviews on popular review sites like Google My Business and Trustpilot. 

When displaying reviews, make sure they show the date it was left. Customers know service levels change over time. Without a date it suggests it’s been a long time since you last had positive feedback. 

4. Offer a lead magnet. 

A lead magnet is an irresistible offer—usually in the form of an eBook, white paper, or webinar—that’s designed to capture leads’ contact information. In exchange for receiving this valuable content, leads must provide their name, email address, and often other contact information as well. Once you have this information, you can then market directly to these individuals through email marketing campaigns or other methods. Not sure what type of lead magnet would work best for your business? Try out a few different options and see which one gets the best results! 

This is an opportunity to really show customers why you’re worth your fee. Don’t just offer a generic survey comparison guide that a customer could have got elsewhere. The reward for providing you their information must feel worth it afterwards. 

5. Check your analytics

Do you know how many visitors you’ve had, to what pages and how long they’ve been there. If you haven’t added any analytics, install that now. You can’t make decisions without data. Once you know where customers stop clicking through and where they stop spending time on a page, you can adjust and improve your content, layout and styling to encourage further action. Without this you’re guessing.   

6. Add clear call to actions (CTA)

Your customer is interested but they don’t know where to click. Don’t assume they’ll click into your menu to find the contact page. Make taking the next action easy. Have clear contact, get quote or learn more buttons throughout your site to encourage the prospect to keep moving forward instead of reaching for the back button. Once they’ve taken the action make sure the next step is clear and compelling. For example, I’ve pressed a button saying “Get quote”. Am I met with a standard contact form or email address or a more engaging form that will encourage customers to fill it out? 

There’s no doubt about it: turning website visitors into paying customers can be a challenge. But by using persuasive copy, high-quality images, customer testimonials, and lead magnets, you can give yourself a much better chance of success. Implement these five tips on your website today and start seeing results!

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