How to Prepare Your Surveying Customer Journey for Post Covid-19

Are you preparing your surveying business’ customer journey for the post-lockdown world? Or are you planning to go back to business as normal?

The world as we know it has changed and so has the customer landscape. Those who weren’t using tech or the internet before are now far more engaged with it. Just look at online grocery shopping – a surge to 20% of all households in the first 4 weeks. Those who would have never considered it have now realised that it is easy and the fruit and veg delivered is as good as what they would have picked themselves. The elderly are using Zoom and Skype to see family – they have moved onto a different kind of tablets.

As customers become even more comfortable with using technology – those in all age groups – you need to become comfortable with it in your business. It isn’t a necessary evil. It is an opportunity. An opportunity to become a successful surveyor who converts more leads, who does their admin work in less time and offers better contact time with their customers.

We will be releasing a new article each week exploring what makes up your customers’ journey – the full experience a customer has with your company and how you can look at your current setup to boost sales conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Customer service is one part of this and how well you help answer customer queries or concerns. But there are many other touch points where technology can help improve the customer journey and with that your business. All of this is designed to help you save time, boost sales and generate data that helps you analyse your processes. Technology isn’t a replacement for speaking with the customer, far from it. It can be used to help remove pointless contact in the survey process and even increase the opportunities you get to speak to customers you’d otherwise have missed out on ever even knowing.

We’re here to highlight ways you can focus your time on quality customer contact time and what you set out to do – surveys!

Over the next few articles we will look at all of the following touch points to see where you are doing well, and where we can offer food for thought:

  • Learning You Even Exist
  • Navigating Your Website
  • Getting a Quote / Making an Enquiry
  • The call about your service – what makes you different to everyone else?
  • Instructing You and Making Payment
  • Terms of Engagement / Compliance
  • Survey Updates
  • The Report
  • Post-Report Customer Care
  • Getting Feedback

Some of these you may not have considered a touch point – the most obvious ones are, of course, when a customer calls or emails. But an interaction that isn’t with you can also affect what a customer thinks about you. It can mean the difference between receiving an enquiry and getting ignored. It can be the difference between a mediocre review and a 5 star one even when you’ve been really helpful on the phone. 

All of our articles will be backed up by statistics that help to highlight the benefits you can reap and what your consumer is looking for. So, in our following articles, please consider it from the perspective of you being a customer as well as you being a surveyor. 

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